Internship in Germany
Description: The Work Immersion Study Program in Germany provides an opportunity for community college students to gain practical work experience, improve German language skills, and experience German culture firsthand from June through August. The three-month program starts with a one-month language course at a Goethe-Institut in Germany, followed by 2 months of paid internship with a German host company. German citizens cannot participate.
For study in: Europe
Field of Study: Languages / Linguistics, Engineering, Business Management / Finance
Available to: Unrestricted/Worldwide
Award Amount: Varies
Type of Award: Internship
Grade Level: Undergraduate
Submission Deadline: December 15
Contact Information
112 Haddontowne Court #104Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-3668
Contact Name/Title : AATG - American Association of Teacher of German
Supported by:
Internship Program
Description: Colorado Tech University (CTU) in Colorado Springs, Colorado offers a co-op internship program for students in all of their graduate Masters programs. International students can work up to 40 hours per week in practical training jobs for which they are paid regular wages. All of the internship employment positions are with off-campus American based companies in the Colorado Springs and Denver areas.
For study in: North America
Field of Study: Unrestricted/Other
Available to: Unrestricted/Worldwide
Award Amount: Full Tuition
Type of Award: Internship
Grade Level: Graduate, Postgraduate
Submission Deadline: Ongoing
Contact Information
15 Cottage Ave., Suite 501Quincy, MA 02169
Contact Name/Title:
Supported by: HTIL
internship, internship, internship, internship, internship program, internship program, internship program
Victoria University PhD Scholarship

Description: The scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline.
For study in: Oceania
Field of Study: Travel/Tourism, Theology/Religon, Sustainable Development, Social Sciences, Sciences, Psychology, Programming, Political Science, Plant Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies, Nursing, Natural Resources, Music, Microbiology, Mathematics, Marine Biology, Library Sciences/Librarianship, Liberal Arts/Humanities, Law/Criminal Justice, Languages / Linguistics, International Relations, Humanities, History, Filmmaking, Ethnic Studies, Environmental Management, English Language and Literature, Education/Counseling, Economics, Creative Writing, Conservation and Preservation, Computer Sciences / IT, Communications, Classics, Chemistry, Business Management / Finance, Biology, Asian and Asian American Studies, Arts/Art History, Area/Ethnic Studies, Architecture and Design, Applied Science, Anthropology, Actuarial Science, Accounting
Available to: Unrestricted/Worldwide
Award Amount: NZ $20,000 per annum
Type of Award: Scholarship
Grade Level: Doctoral
Submission Deadline: 17 July and 1 November
Contact Information
Victoria University, PO Box 600Wellington, XX 6001
Contact Name/Title
Philippa Hay, Scholarships Manager
Phone 64 4 463 7493
information supported by:
AISF Scholarship, JAPAN

Description:Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF) offers scholarships to Ph.D. candidates enrolled in graduate schools located in the Kanto area of Japan.
For study in: Asia
Field of Study: Unrestricted/Other
Available to:Unrestricted/Worldwide
Award Amount:200,000 yen per month
Type of Award:Scholarship
Grade Level:Doctoral
Submission Deadline:September 30th
supported information:
Faculty of Economics and Commerce
Applications are now invited for the 2007-2008 Wilfred Prest Travelling
Fellowship. The fellowship is open to students or graduates of The
University of Melbourne who will be undertaking postgraduate studies in
the field of Economics at an overseas university or research institution
within the period between July 2007 and June 2008.
Applicants must either be completing a degree specialising in
Economics at the University in 2007 (Bachelor, Honours, Master or
PhD) or be an Economics graduate of the University.
The value of the Fellowship in 2008 is $12,000 which shall be paid in
two instalments upon confirmation of acceptance and enrolment at the
nominated overseas institution. The Fellowship may be held
concurrently with another award.
The tenure of the Fellowship is for one year, but may be extended for a
further term of one year on the recommendation of the Selection
All applications must include:
· cover letter summarising intended overseas studies,
· academic results at the University of Melbourne to date,
· résumé.
Application Deadline: Friday 31th July 2007.
Applications and enquiries should be directed to:
Clare Harper
Manager, Marketing Onshore
Faculty of Economics and Commerce
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Tel: +61 (03) 8344 2167
information supported by:
The Work and Holiday Visa in AUSTRALIA
The Work and Holiday Visa in AUSTRALIA
The Work and Holiday visa is for tertiary educated people aged 18 to 30 who are interested in a working holiday of up to 12 months in Australia. This visa allows you to supplement the cost of your holiday through periods of temporary or casual employment. Most countries under this visa programme have an annual limit of 100 Work and Holiday visas per year.Note: You must not make arrangements to travel to Australia until you are advised that your visa has been granted.
Who is this visa for?
Currently, the Work and Holiday visa (subclass462) arrangement is in place for people from Chile, Thailand and Turkey. Note: People from Iran who hold a Work and Holiday visa and are in Australia can apply for this visa.
Australia has signed a Work and Holiday visa arrangement with Bangladesh. This arrangement is not yet in effect, therefore, it is not possible for people from Bangladesh to apply for this visa. Information about the commencement of this arrangement will be published on the department's website when it is finalised.
Note: If you are from Belgium, Canada, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom you may be eligible to apply for a Working Holiday visa which provides similar opportunities.
See: Working Holiday visa (subclass 417)
How much will this visa cost?
You must pay a non-refundable visa application charge when you lodge your visa application.
- Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) Note: First and second working holiday visa A$190
- Working and Holiday visa (subclass 462) A$180
What does this visa let me do?
If you are granted a Work and Holiday visa you can:
enter Australia at any time within 3 months of the visa grant date stay for up to 12 months in Australia leave and re-enter Australia any number of times in the 12 months from the date of first entry undertake temporary employment in Australia study for up to 4 months.
Online application (only subclass 417)
Paper application (subclass 462)
Fore more information please visit
Ernst Mach-Grant Worldwide
Country of origin
Target Country
Area of study or research
Natural SciencesTechnical SciencesMedicineAgriculture and Forestry, Veterinary MedicineSocial Sciences, Law and EconomicsHumanities and TheologyFine Arts
Detailed type of grant
semester or one-year grat
Target Group
graduatespostgraduatesPhD holders
Authority awarding grant
ÖAD/ACM on behalf of and financed by the BMWF
1 to 4 months
The quota depends on the budget.
Grant benefit paid
1) Monthly grant rate a) for graduates: € 940.-- b) for graduates over 30 years with a PhD degree: € 1040.--
2) Accident and health insurance, accommodation a) If necessary, the ÖAD will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient. b) Accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) will be provided by the ÖAD for recipients of grants. Monthly costs: € 200.-- to € 350.-- (depending on how much comfort the recipients of grants want). An administration fee of € 15.-- is payable to the ÖAD for arranging accommodation. The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the recipient of the grant.
3) Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees. For applicants from developing countries an additional allowance for travel costs may be paid.
Closing date for applications
01. 09. 2007
Für das Sommersemester 2008 - Einreichtermin
01. 09. 2007
for the summer semester 2008 only: An application on two successive application dates is not possible! Excepted from this rule are applications that have been rejected for formal reasons.
Where to submit your application
online at; applications in hard copy (these are only accepted from applicants from non-European developing countries) at the respective Austrian representative authorities abroad
Application form
for hard copy applications (these are only accepted from applicants from non-European developing countries!):"Bewerbung um ein Stipendium für Österreich" (Application for an Austrian Scholarship) (green); available from the Austrian representative authorities and at
Download application CLICK HERE
sourced by:
DAAD Scholarships 2008/2009
DAAD Scholarships 2008/2009 for Postgraduate Courses with Special Relevance to Developing Countries
Application deadline: 31st August 2007
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports a range of postgraduate courses at German Universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries with further specialised studies.
The typical scholarship holders will come either from public authorities, state or private companies concerned with national development policies and projects in technological, economic, agricultural and social fields. Therefore, apart from a degree relevant to the postgraduate course, it is required that candidates have at least two years of related professional experience in order to qualify for a scholarship.
Applications from candidates who are older than 36 years of age cannot be accepted. For some courses the age limit is 32; please refer to the course details. For a complete listing,
see the staff at the DAAD Information Center or check here (.doc) .
Inquiries can be directed to the Embassy as well as to the DAAD Information Center.
Following documents must be submitted at the Cultural Section, German Embassy, Bangkok
- 4x Application form with photo and a cover letter
- 1x Biography - handwritten (as an essay)
- 4x Biography - typed
- 4x Study- or research plan
- 4x High School transcript of records - certified by the official authority
- 4x BA or BS certificate and transcript of records - certified by the official authority
- 4x Letter of confirmation from the employer stating the applicant's professional position on the date of application and,
where possible, undertaking to re-employ the applicant when he/she returns to the home country.
- 2x Recently-dated letter of recommendation (4x each)
- 4x Language certificate: for postgraduate degree courses instructed in English: TOEFL-Test (min. 550 points) or IELTSTest
(volume 6.0), for courses teaching in german: applicant should have German language certificate.
Application deadline: 31st August 2007 at the German Embassy
(Only complete application forms can be accepted!)
Download application form CLICK HERE
Download cover letter CLICK HERE
sourced by
deutsche germany deutsche german germany german deutsche
Macquarie University International Scholarships (MUIS)
Macquarie University International Scholarships (MUIS)
Macquarie University International Scholarships are available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study on campus in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.
- The Scholarship provides course fees for the minimum course duration.
- No additional allowances are payable.
- The scholarship does NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study.
- Annual renewal of the Scholarship is subject to satisfactory performance in the Macquarie University degree program.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must
- Be a citizen of a country other than Australia (except New Zealand).
- Have met the University's academic and English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship (must hold a FULL OFFER by the application deadline).
- Achieve minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) for postgraduate application and minimum requirement of 90% (out of 100) for Undergraduate application.
Application Procedure
Scholarships are open to international students holding qualifications from recognised institutions suitable for admission to an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program.
You must follow the normal procedure for admission, completing the application form with certified copies of all relevant documents and application fee of $110.
On top of that you also need to complete an application form for MUIS and referees reports.
If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship but meet the conditions of entry into Macquarie University, you will be notified by the admissions officer.
Results of MUIS applications will be available after the Scholarship Committee meetings, and applicants will be advised accordingly.
If you are awarded the MUIS, the application fee of $110 will be refunded when applicable.
Applications will not be considered without two complete referee reports.
Cut Off Dates for Applications
- Closing date for Application for Semester 1 is 31 October
- Closing date for Application for Semester 2 is 30 April
for further information please visit:
Download application form for MUIS : MUIS Application Form & Referee Report
Download application form for UG : Undergraduate Application Form
Download application form for PG : Postgraduate Application Form
sourced by: University of Macquarie, Australia
Melbourne Finance Guarantee
Students studying full-time toward a PhD in Finance at the University of Melbourne, Australia are guaranteed a minimum living stipend of A$18,660 (2006) per year.
For international students, the Department of Finance also guarantees the payment of their University of Melbourne PhD tuition fees (A$23,520 per year in 2006).
Tuition fees for Australian and New Zealand students, or permanent residents, are funded by the Commonwealth of Australia. The guarantee is for the normal three year period of the PhD degree but may be extended for an additional year. Terms and conditions apply.
The guarantee means that if we accept you as PhD student your finances are secure.
You do not have to apply for these scholarships. The Department of Finance submits an application on your behalf.
The Melbourne Research Scholarship and the Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship are highly competitive university wide scholarships awarded on entrance into a PhD. Students accepted for admission into the PhD program in Finance are automatically entered into the competition for these scholarships. Currently, successful candidates for these scholarships must have at least an 84.5 (2005) percent average (University of Melbourne equivalent) in the last two years of coursework undertaken.
The Faculty of Economics and Commerce Fee Remission Scholarship is also a competitive scholarship awarded to PhD students. PhD students in Accounting and Business Information Systems, Actuarial Science, Economics and Management compete with Finance PhD students for this Scholarship. To be considered, a PhD candidate must have an average of at least 80 percent (University of Melbourne equivalent).
The Department of Finance offers substantial funding including Australian Finance PhD Scholarship, Melbourne Finance Scholarship and Finance PhD Assistantship.
Further information is available on the Department of Finance - PhD Scholarships webpage
Admission and Scholarship Deadlines
The PhD program in Finance begins in March, as the academic year at The University of Melbourne runs from March through November.
In general, we do not permit mid-year entry (July) into the program.
We are now considering applications for the 2008 program, which begins Feb 26, 2007.
We consider applications as they arrive but will not consider applications for March entry after the following dates.
Application Deadlines:
Australian applicants: November 15, 2007
International applicants: October 31, 2007
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