University of Melbourne
Faculty of Economics and Commerce


Applications are now invited for the 2007-2008 Wilfred Prest Travelling
Fellowship. The fellowship is open to students or graduates of The
University of Melbourne who will be undertaking postgraduate studies in
the field of Economics at an overseas university or research institution
within the period between July 2007 and June 2008.

Applicants must either be completing a degree specialising in
Economics at the University in 2007 (Bachelor, Honours, Master or
PhD) or be an Economics graduate of the University.

The value of the Fellowship in 2008 is $12,000 which shall be paid in
two instalments upon confirmation of acceptance and enrolment at the
nominated overseas institution. The Fellowship may be held
concurrently with another award.

The tenure of the Fellowship is for one year, but may be extended for a
further term of one year on the recommendation of the Selection

All applications must include:
· cover letter summarising intended overseas studies,
· academic results at the University of Melbourne to date,
· résumé.

Application Deadline: Friday 31th July 2007.

Applications and enquiries should be directed to:
Clare Harper
Manager, Marketing Onshore
Faculty of Economics and Commerce
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Email: harperc@unimelb.edu.au
Tel: +61 (03) 8344 2167

information supported by: http://www.ecom.unimelb.edu.au/students/scholarships