Ernst Mach-Grant Worldwide
Country of origin
Target Country
Area of study or research
Natural SciencesTechnical SciencesMedicineAgriculture and Forestry, Veterinary MedicineSocial Sciences, Law and EconomicsHumanities and TheologyFine Arts
Detailed type of grant
semester or one-year grat
Target Group
graduatespostgraduatesPhD holders
Authority awarding grant
ÖAD/ACM on behalf of and financed by the BMWF
1 to 4 months
The quota depends on the budget.
Grant benefit paid
1) Monthly grant rate a) for graduates: € 940.-- b) for graduates over 30 years with a PhD degree: € 1040.--
2) Accident and health insurance, accommodation a) If necessary, the ÖAD will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient. b) Accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) will be provided by the ÖAD for recipients of grants. Monthly costs: € 200.-- to € 350.-- (depending on how much comfort the recipients of grants want). An administration fee of € 15.-- is payable to the ÖAD for arranging accommodation. The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the recipient of the grant.
3) Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees. For applicants from developing countries an additional allowance for travel costs may be paid.
Closing date for applications
01. 09. 2007
Für das Sommersemester 2008 - Einreichtermin
01. 09. 2007
for the summer semester 2008 only: An application on two successive application dates is not possible! Excepted from this rule are applications that have been rejected for formal reasons.
Where to submit your application
online at; applications in hard copy (these are only accepted from applicants from non-European developing countries) at the respective Austrian representative authorities abroad
Application form
for hard copy applications (these are only accepted from applicants from non-European developing countries!):"Bewerbung um ein Stipendium für Österreich" (Application for an Austrian Scholarship) (green); available from the Austrian representative authorities and at
Download application CLICK HERE
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